2007年6月18日 星期一


Life's a bitch. I'll be the first to admit it.I've been a cutter of four - five years and have been clean for two months. It seems like a lifetime.If you need someone to talk to - here I am. Bored and willing to help you at all costs. Leave a message here with your AIM screen name (trust me I'm who I say I am - swear to God) and I'll contact you as soon as I can.Everyone in life just needs an ear and a shoulder to cry on, let me help you.

8 則留言:

blueriverd9sign88e 提到...

hi, I saw your post in _KYL. I'm Kitty. zomg Kitty is my sn on aim.. uh... yeah

graff5xtationi9yahoocom 提到...

Accepted. Message sent.

blunriverdesige73yahoocom 提到...

well i wished i had aim.

nr3fcinedun7a 提到...

I can talk to you over myspace or here if you wish.

cancer8859 提到...

i do have myspace. add me there?

migueaanhocirvolhl 提到...

Sure, what is your link?

arncameuf0 提到...


noncywarrisrayahoocom 提到...
